It's inevitable. Yes, the first frost will arrive. Time to bring in those fresh herbs you've been growing* and enjoying all summer. Now you can relish them all winter too! Just chop your fresh herbs, add olive oil and freeze in ice cube trays. You'll be savoring the flavors of summer even when it's cold and snowy outside!
1. Place 1 Tablespoon chopped fresh herbs in each section of an ice cube tray.
2. Add enough olive oil to cover the herbs, then freeze overnight.
3. Release frozen herb cubes from ice cube tray and transfer to freezer-safe food storage bags or containers.
4. Be sure to label each bag or container with the name of the herb inside!
Using Your Frozen Herbs in Oil
Use herb cubes at the beginning of a recipe! Use herb cubes whenever a recipe calls for heating your oil. Now your oil will be flavored with fresh herbs! You can also sauté garlic, onions and other vegetables in the herb-infused oil for a fabulously delicious herb-scented recipe!
Use herb cubes at the end of a recipe! Prepare your recipe stirring in the herb cube at the end of your cooking time. Heat until oil is melted and stir before serving!
*Do you buy fresh herbs from the produce section of your grocery store for a recipe and then have extra left over? Chop and freeze them too!
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