Benefits of Drinking Water
As I continue on my journey to become a holistic nutritionist and a nutrition & wellness counselor, I will be sharing my new-found knowledge with you. Today I want to share the benefits of something very simple.....the benefits of simply drinking water. Your body is made up of three components......protein, fats and water......and approximately 60% of your body is water! It is so important to replenish that water every single day! Did you know that every system in your body depends on water to function properly, your brain is 75% water and water delivers important nutrients to your cells?
The rule of thumb is to take your body weight, divide it in half and that is the number of ounces of water you should be consuming every day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, divide that number in half, and you should be drinking 70 ounces of water each and every day.
Benefits of Lemon Water
Add lemon to your water and the benefits increase! Here's a quick list of the benefits of drinking lemon's amazing!
- Drinking warm water with lemon as soon as you wake up each morning will boost your immune system and give your digestion a jump-start!
- Along with hydrating, lemon water will also improve your skin by providing Vitamin C.
- It relieves stress. Vitamin C becomes depleted when you experience stress and lemon water restores it.
- Lemon water is high in the important mineral of potassium.
- Lemon water detoxes the liver by maximizing enzyme function.
- It freshens your breath.
- It relieves constipation.
- Lemon water cleanses your lymphatic system.
- Lemon water helps with digestion.
- By reducing your body's acidity level, lemon water balances your pH.
- And last, but certainly not least, lemon water also provides calcium, magnesium, fiber, iron and B-complex vitamins!
Cheers to water! Even more cheers to lemon water!
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